269-962-9955 269-962-9955
3070 Michigan Ave West, Battle Creek, MI 49037

Turner Veterinary Clinic News

Summer Safety Tips for Pet Owners

June 5, 2024

Summer is a time for fun, relaxation, and outdoor activities. However, while we enjoy the warm weather, we need to take extra precautions to ensure our pets stay safe and healthy. Read on for valuable tips on keeping your pets safe during the summer months, addressing critical aspects such as hydration, anxiety from loud noises, increased activity levels, and encounters with wildlife.


Heartworm 101: Understanding Risks and How to Protect Your Pet

April 1, 2024

Among the various health risks that pets face, heartworm disease stands out as a particularly insidious threat. This disease can have devastating effects on your pet, and yet, it is preventable. This article will delve into heartworm disease and stress the importance of proactive prevention.


Household Hazards: Understanding and Mitigating Pet Poisoning Risks

March 12, 2024

Owning a pet offers immeasurable joy, companionship, and love. However, it also comes with the responsibility of ensuring their safety and well-being. Many common items found in our homes could pose significant poisoning risks to our furry companions. By understanding these hazards and how to prevent them, we can create a safer environment for our pets.



Recent Posts

Pet Safety In Warmer Temps

As a pet owner, you look forward to the warmer spring weather because it means you can finally spend more time outdoors with your furry friend. Unfortunately, it also means more exposure to environmental hazards for your dog or cat. This requires awareness of these dangers and active steps on your part to help your pet avoid them.

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Guard Your Pet’s Heart: Why Prevention Just Makes Sense

The heartworm parasite presents a serious and sometimes fatal threat to companion animals. Unfortunately, it is not difficult for your pet to be infected,  and it’s difficult to treat in dogs. There is no heartworm treatment for cats.

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In it Together - Devoted Resolutions

It’s a new year, and you have vowed to get in shape and improve your health. Although you might have made this resolution before only to fall back into old habits before the end of January, you mean it this time. The good news is that having a pet gives you even more motivation to achieve better health. Not only does the love of your furry companion give you the incentive to take better care of yourself, but it encourages you to improve your pet’s health as well.

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Looking For a Special Gift for Your Pet?

Looking For a Special Gift for Your Pet?


Your pet is a loved and valuable member of your family, so it only makes sense that you want to buy him a special holiday gift. If you decide on a toy, we at Turner Veterinary Clinic would like to remind you of the following important safety considerations:

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Halloween Can Be a Scary Holiday for Pets

As much as you and your children might enjoy Halloween, this particular holiday
can be a stressful one for pets. They don’t understand why you have decorations
and carved pumpkins with candles in them around the house and naturally feel
curious enough to investigate. Your dog or cat may end up swallowing something
inedible or even starting a fire by knocking over a candle. These are just two of
several Halloween safety concerns to keep in mind. Turner Veterinary Clinic
wants to provide the following safety tips to help keep your pets safe and happy
during the month of October.

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