269-962-9955 269-962-9955
3070 Michigan Ave West, Battle Creek, MI 49037

Turner Veterinary Clinic News

Looking For a Special Gift for Your Pet?


Looking For a Special Gift for Your Pet?


Your pet is a loved and valuable member of your family, so it only makes sense that you want to buy him a special holiday gift. If you decide on a toy, we at Turner Veterinary Clinic would like to remind you of the following important safety considerations:


  • Your pet’s size: This is especially important when purchasing a chewable toy. A squeaky toy ball, for example, would be fine for a cat but not a large dog due to the potential choking hazard.

  • Stuffing material: Beads, foam, and other stuffing material could come loose from the toy if your pet bites it or tears it apart. If you choose a stuffed toy, be sure to supervise your pet until you know how she will react to it.

  • Attachments to toys: Items like ties, ribbons, plastic eyes, and even stitches can easily come loose and present a choking hazard to your dog or cat. You may want to consider removing these items first if your pet is especially rambunctious with toys.


Additionally, be sure to teach your pet which items belong to him as toys and which he should leave alone. You can reinforce the idea of safe toys by praising your pet every time he takes one of his own toys out to play with and redirect him when he tries to chew on or play with something belonging to another family member. It’s especially important to pet-proof during the holiday season so your dog or cat doesn’t get into office supplies, electronics, your children’s toys, or anything else he’s curious about but that could ultimately hurt him.


Order Pet Toys or Treats Online This Year

Have you had a chance to visit our online store yet? You can complete holiday shopping for your pet with just a few clicks. Best of all, we guarantee that our pet toys and treats for stocking stuffers are safe and appropriate for your dog or cat. You save time, gas money, and fighting crowds at the mall. It’s a win for everyone! Visit our online store to find the perfect gift.



Time: The Best Gift of All


Sometimes all your pet wants and needs is something that you can’t wrap or put under a tree. It’s the gift of your time and attention. During this busy and stressful season, pet owners sometimes forget to engage with their dog or cat in favor of checking one more thing off a to-do list. This can cause your pet to act out, which only adds to your stress level. Pause, (or should we say, “paws”!) and take a little extra time to spend time snuggling or walking your pet. You’ll both enjoy the extra time together!


Please don’t hesitate to contact us at 269-962-9955 if you have additional pet care concerns this holiday season. Happy Holidays from all of us at Turner Veterinary Clinic!

Image credit: Anna-av / iStock / Getty Images Plus


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