269-962-9955 269-962-9955
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Turner Veterinary Clinic News

Summer Safety Tips for Pet Owners

June 5, 2024

Summer is a time for fun, relaxation, and outdoor activities. However, while we enjoy the warm weather, we need to take extra precautions to ensure our pets stay safe and healthy. Read on for valuable tips on keeping your pets safe during the summer months, addressing critical aspects such as hydration, anxiety from loud noises, increased activity levels, and encounters with wildlife.


Heartworm 101: Understanding Risks and How to Protect Your Pet

April 1, 2024

Among the various health risks that pets face, heartworm disease stands out as a particularly insidious threat. This disease can have devastating effects on your pet, and yet, it is preventable. This article will delve into heartworm disease and stress the importance of proactive prevention.


Household Hazards: Understanding and Mitigating Pet Poisoning Risks

March 12, 2024

Owning a pet offers immeasurable joy, companionship, and love. However, it also comes with the responsibility of ensuring their safety and well-being. Many common items found in our homes could pose significant poisoning risks to our furry companions. By understanding these hazards and how to prevent them, we can create a safer environment for our pets.



Recent Posts

3 Signs Your Pet May Be in Pain

It crosses every pet owner’s mind: “Is my pet in pain?” And this question comes up more and more as our pets get older. One of the most difficult things about being a pet owner is that our pets cannot verbalize how they’re feeling. This leads us to wonder if our dogs and cats are living their best lives. The last thing you want is your pet struggling with chronic or acute pain, after all. And while your pet will likely never learn to speak human, they often send more subtle signs that they’re in pain. Here are 3 of the most common signs that your pet is in pain:

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The Gift of Health for Your Pet

As you’re shopping for the holiday season, you may ask yourself, “What’s the best gift I can give my pet?” While pet sweaters are cute and can make for adorable holiday cards, we believe the best present a pet parent can gift their pet is a healthy, happy life. When you invest in your pet’s wellbeing, you’re giving the most heartfelt gift a pet could ask for (if they knew how to speak). As a pet parent, you are your pet’s advocate for a better life. You’re like Santa but better--you have the opportunity to make your pet merrier every day of the year.

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3 Hidden Summer Hazards That Can Be Fatal for Pets

The dog days of summer are here. For many, this season comes with endless possibilities for having fun with your pets, like picnics, nature walks, and swimming pools. After being stuck at home for so long due to COVID-19, we bet you’re looking to break up the boredom with some outdoor adventures.

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Common Household Items Can Be Toxic to Pets: Here's What You Need to Know

March is Pet Poison Prevention Month. Many pet parents are surprised by the number of seemingly harmless items around the house that can cause serious injury or death for cats and dogs. To help you march through this spring and into the rest of the year with a safer home for your animal companions, here are the most common and dangerous household poisons to keep away from your pets.

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Make Your Pet’s Dental Health a Reason to Smile

Did you know that February is National Pet Dental Health Month? We love that this month is devoted to your canine’s canines, your kitty’s chompers, and your pet’s pearly whites. While your companion’s mouth may be a source of kisses and smiles, pet parents may overlook how much their pet’s dental health affects their overall well-being.

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